Kiersay Murray
- Notoriously Overdressed
- Startup Obsessed
- Coffee Fanatic
- Passion Polymath
- Extra AF
What's your why?
The Bikergang – Sometimes the hardest part of a spin class is showing up, but every single member of the Bikergang shows up, good or bad day, and brings something unique to that room and is fighting for something. I’m a strong believer that “no one is you and that is your power” and the united power and energy that the Bikergang creates is truly magical.
The Power of those 4 Walls - Come from the hustle, stay for the strength, leave for the clarity. The opportunities for growth and transformation inside the spin room are limitless. I have overcome so many battles in the spin room, both big and small, and am inspired to help people walk out of those doors feeling even 1% better than when they walked in.
Thoughts are Things – Attitude is everything and I’m a strong believer in the power of thought. I’m consistently motivated by the idea that whether believe you can, or you can’t, you’re right. Excellence is an attitude. Growth is a mindset. Believe you can and you will.
Favourites Activities
- Anything creative
- A good sweat-sesh (*cue tiktok reference* IT’S THE ENDORPHINS FOR ME)
- Sunday brunchin’ with good company
- Getting dressed up (h-core fashion lover)
- Purpose-driven innovation
Favourite Music
Give me a soy americano misto, a plate of fruit, and a slice of freshly baked sourdough bread with butter and I’m all yours.
Find me at
Marda Loop